3rd year architecture life

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I m currently in 3rd first degree of architecture, in um.
recently, hving to rush for my final projects, the Community CEnter at Seremban town.
This projects have been carried out for almost one sem, which is nearly four months, but the actual weeks for us to design is 13 weeks, with one interim crit or pin up crit and one desk crit each week.
A very tension course, with very experience studio master, and 46 students packed in one year.
Wow, i cant imagine how the final presentaion will be?
last time, as the lecturers are rushing for time, many of our works are not appreciated properly, rather they just give a few sentences for one project, which is a hard work with swears and tears of a student.
CAn u imagine we struggle for months n months for one peorjects and finally get one word from the lecturers? Even if the design is not good, rather recieve many useful comments to help us grow.